Jalan Tol Bali Mandara

Bali, negeri para dewa. Magnet
wisata andalan yang sudah mendunia. Terkenal karena keelokan alam dan kentalnya
tradisi yang tak tergoyahkan jaman. Tak heran, ratusan bahkan ribuan wisatawan
domestik dan mancanegara tiap hari
menjelajah sudut-sudut Pulau Bali. Akhirnya, Pulau Bali terutama
jalan-jalan di Bali Selatan macet.
Jalan Tol Bali Mandara adalah nama jalan tol pertama yang ada di Bali atau malah sebagai jalan Tol terapung pertama di Indonesia. Membentang sepanjang 12,7 km diatas laut, jalan tol ini terbilang unik dibanding jalan tol yang ada di Indonesia karena satu-satunya tol yang ada jalur sepeda motornya di ruas sisi kiri dan kanan. Panjang jalan tol di Bali ini hampir sama dengan Penang Bridge di Malaysia yang panjangnya mencapai 13,5 km, atau Union Bridgesepanjang 12,9 km di Kanada.

Untuk mengurai kemacetan di Bali
Selatan bukan perkara mudah. Banyak hal yang menjadi kendala. Ketersediaan
lahan di daratan demikian terbatas. Kadang pula membangun infrastruktur harus
mempertimbangkan kearifan lokal yang harus terjaga. Maka, pemerintah dalam hal
ini Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum (PU) , Kementerian BUMN dan Pemerintah Provinsi
Bali serta Kabupaten Badung telah melakukan terobosan yang hebat dan luar
biasa. Membangun Underpass dan mahakarya jalan tol di atas laut.
Underpass Simpang Dewa Ruci
Salah satu titik kemacetan
terparah di Bali adalah di Simpang Dewa Ruci. Disebut Simpang Dewa Ruci karena
di tengah persimpangan ini berdiri kokoh patung Dewa Ruci. Di titik ini sering
terjadi penumpukan kendaraan yang keluar masuk ke objek wisata pantai Kuta.
Untuk mengatasi kemacetan itu, pemerintah Bali membangun Underpass
menghubungkan jalur dari Bandara Ngurah Rai menuju Sunset Road, dan sebaliknya.
Masing-masing dibuat dua jalur.
Underpass Simpang Dewa Ruci yang
menelan anggaran Rp. 148,3 milyar lebih benar-benar berfungsi optimal.
Keruwetan dan kemacetan yang biasanya terjadi sudah tidak terlihat lagi. Saat
saya melewati Underpass ini menuju Sunset Road, nampak motor dan mobil demikian
nyaman melenggang di kawasan ini. Hebatnya,
para perancang Underpass ini benar-benar sangat menjaga nilai-nilai
tradisi dan kepercayaan masyarakat Bali. Patung Dewa Ruci tetap in situ. Tidak bergeser sedikitpun
walaupun disekitarnya diadakan rekayasa jalan raya yang cukup rumit.

Triangle Connection
Keluar dari Underpass Dewa Ruci,
Jalan tol ini sebenarnya lebih tepat
disebut sebagai jembatan di atas laut. Panjangnya 12,7 kilometer. Sekitar 10
kilometer ada di atas laut. Ini adalah tol di atas laut pertama yang ada di
Indonesia. Sekaligus merupakan mahakarya anak bangsa yang sangat luar biasa dan
menjadi tonggak sejarah dalam pembangunan infrastruktur jalan raya di
Indonesia. Konon, konstruksi yang serupa dengan jalan tol Bali ini bisa dijumpai
di Malaysia (Penang Bridge panjangnya 12,9 Km) dan di Kanada (Union Bridge
panjangnya 13,5 Km). Kelebihan lainnya, Tol Bali ini juga menyediakan jalur khusus
pengendara sepeda motor.
Jalan Tol Bali, dibangun untuk
menghubungkan segitiga emas (Triangle Connection) Bali. Yakni Bandara Ngurah
Rai, Pelabuhan Benoa dan kawasan wisata Nusa Dua. Selama ini jalur menuju Nusa
Dua tumplek blek di By Pass I Gusti Ngurah Rai. Akibatnya jalan pun overload.
Maka, kemacetan terjadi dimana-mana. Solusinya, jika segitiga emas itu
terhubung maka arus wisatawan dari Bandara Ngurah Rai menuju sudut-sudut Bali
akan lebih lancar. Kegiatan distribusi dan mobiltas barang keluar dan masuk
Bali di pelabuhan Benoa juga makin dinamis.
Sekaligus diharapkan mampu meningkatkan daya saing dan pertumbuhan
ekonomi masyarakat sekitarnya. Begitu pula dengan kawasan wisata Nusa Dua akan
lebih nyaman sebagai destinasi wisata di Bali Selatan. Sekaligus tempat yang
ideal untuk menghelat kegiatan-kegiatan pariwisata maupun kegiatan pemerintahan
yang bersifat nasional dan internasional.

Green, Strong & Beautiful
Sesaat setelah masuk Jalan Tol Bali, saya melihat bahwa megaproyek ini
benar-benar luar biasa. Sungguh membanggakan dan seakan tidak dapat dipercaya
jika desain dan konstruksi jalan tol ini 100 persen adalah karya putra terbaik
bangsa. Ini membuktikan dibidang pembangunan jalan dan jembatan di atas laut,
Indonesia sangat baik.
Jalan Tol Bali, dibangun oleh
konsorsium 7 BUMN dibawah koordinasi PT Jasa Marga Bali Tol. Konsep yang
diusung adalah Green, Strong & Beautiful. Konsep Green, setidaknya
keberadaan jalan Tol Bali ini diharapkan tetap ramah lingkungan. Maka tak
kurang dari 16 ribu bibit mangrove telah ditanam kembali di sekitar jalan tol.
Diharapkan, suatu saat di kanan kiri jalan tol akan tampak ijo royo-royo.
Strong, kualitas pekerjaan harus dinomor satukan. Bahan-bahan yang digunakan
harus teruji dan awet umurnya. Beautiful, tol Bali selain
jadi ikon konstruksi yang hebat harus tampil pula sebagai ikon
pariwisata yang elok dimata dunia.

Demi kualitas, jalan tol Bali melibatkan kontraktor handal
di tanah air. Untuk mempercepat proses, maka paket pengerjaan jalan tol Bali
dibagi 4 paket. Adi Karya mengerjakan paket I. Waskita Karya mengerjakan paket
II dan IV. Hutama Karya kebagian paket III.
Masing-masing paket pekerjaan dilakukan
secara paralel dan simultan. Totalnya menyerap dana sekitar 2,5 triliun.
Masing-masing kontraktor mensurvey, merencanakan desain dan teknis serta
membangun sendiri-sendiri sesuai dengan kontrak Desain & Built. Tak kurang
dari 3000 pekerja terlibat dalam megaproyek ini! Dan untuk menjaga kualitas
(strong), kontraktor diawasi oleh Konsultan Quality Assurance yang selalu
mengawasi dan mengaudit hasil pekerjaan serta melakukan tes-tes yang
berhubungan dengan hasil pekerjaan teknis.

Mengingat jalan tol ini dibangun
di atas laut, maka banyak hal yang harus dipertimbangan. Terutama kualitas tiang pancang, pengiriman bahan,
kedalaman laut dan gangguan cuaca. Sifat air laut yang sangat korosi sangat
diperhatikan oleh para pembangun jalan tol ini karena akan sangat berpengaruh
pada sekitar 14 ribu tiang pancang yang akan dibenamkan kedalam tanah di dalam
laut. Panjang tiang pancang rata-rata 12 meter. Sedangkan kedalaman laut
bervariasi antara 5-30 meter. Maka untuk bagian laut yang dalam, tiang
pancangnya harus disambung. Bagian sambungan digunakan baja. Sambungan ini
kemudian dilas agar menyatu. Untuk mencegah korosi, khusus sambungan dilapisi
bahan anti karat yakni: Petro Paste, Petro Tape dan HDPE (High Density
Polyethylene) sebuah polimer minyak bumi yang bersifat anti karat.

Selain dikonsep hijau dan kuat,
unsur artistik dan keindahan nuansa Bali harus muncul dalam pembangunan jalan
tol ini. Bangunan Bali harus berunsur Kepala, Badan dan Kaki
(seperti konstruksi sebuah bangunan candi). Maka, para arsitek Bali pun
dilibatkan untuk mendesain Gerbang Tol Bali. Hasilnya berupa gerbang tol yang
sangat eksotik. Modern namun tetap bernuansa Bali. Untuk menunjang
pengoperasian dilengkapi pula dengan electronic payment, CCTV serta pengukur
kecepatan angin. Ini sangat berguna terutama untuk keselamatan pengendara
sepeda motor. Jika angin terlalu kencang, maka jalur sepeda motor pun ditutup
sementara. Sungguh, jalan tol Bali sangat berbeda dengan tol lainnya di
Gubernur Bali Made Mangku Pastika
menilai jalan tol Bali Mandara tol terindah di dunia. Menurutnya, jalan tol
pertama di Bali ini bisa menjadi destinasi wisata Bali. Sejak awal, kata Pastika jalan tol
diatas perairan (JDP) Bali itu dibangun dengan konsep strong, green dan
beautiful. "Ini menjadi obyek pariwisata baru bahkan menjadi salah satu
ikon baru wisata di Bali selatan," ujar Pastika, dalam sambutannya dalam
peresmian tol Bali Mandara, di pintu masuk tol Nusa Dua, Bali, Senin

Menurut Pastika, di sekitar alur
tol Bali Mandara sudah ditanam sebanyak 16 ribu pohon mangrove yang akan
dirawat sampai tumbuh dewasa oleh pengembang. Pembangunan jalan tol sepanjang
12,7 Kilometer dan pertama di Pulau Bali ini, kata Pastika, tidak mengganngu
ekosistem, tidak mengganggu aktifitas nelayan, dan penerbangan di atasnya.
"Dari atas tol juga bisa
melihat sunset, hijaunya mangrove, lalu lintas pesawat di atas kepala, serta
aktivitas nelayan yang gemerlap di malam harinya," ungkap Pastika.(dws) -
Bali Mandara
Setelah bekerja selama 14 bulan,
siang malam akhirnya jalan tol Bali pun selesai. Sebelum diresmikan, maka Jalan
Tol Bali yang merupakan pekerjaan konstruksi tercepat, terkuat dan terindah
yang pernah dibuat oleh putra terbaik bangsa ini harus diberi tetenger. Muncul
banyak nama untuk jalan tol Bali. Ada nama I Wayan Lotring (mahaguru tari dan
tabuh Bali), I Gusti Ngurah Rai, I Gusti Patih Jelantik, I Gusti Nyoman Lempad
(pelukis tersohor Bali abad 20) bahkan Soekarno-Hatta. Namun akhirnya, satu
nama yakni Bali Mandara (Maju, Aman,
Damai dan Sejahtera) jadi pilihan. Maka, Senin, 23 September 2013, Jalan
Tol Nusa Dua, Ngurah Rai dan Benoa pun

Siang itu selepas melintas
sebentar di Jalan Tol Bali, saya merasakan bahwa sebuah pekerjaan besar sudah
ditunaikan oleh putra terbaik bangsa. Secara khusus saya pernah mendengar
celoteh Dahlan Iskan, Menteri BUMN yang gesit dan pakar jurnalistik ini.
“Proyek Bali Mandara bisa berjalan mulus karena
proyek ini tidak hanya dibahas di
seminar dan rapat. Tapi action dan dukungan seluruh stake holder-lah (terutama Kementerian PU dan
Kementerian BUMN) yang menjadikan megaproyek ini bisa segera dituntaskan.
Termasuk peran strategis pemerintah dan pemimpin daerah yang antusias agar
pekerjaannya bisa dilaksanakan dan segera diselesaikan”. Selamat untuk putra
terbaik bangsa yang telah mampu mengangkat jati diri dan kompetensi bangsa ini
di mata dunia. “Impian bangsa kita untuk menguasai teknologi kontruksi dan
rekayasa utamanya dalam pembangunan jalan tol di atas laut akhirnya menjadi

Bali Mandara (Nusa Dua-Ngurah Rai-Benoa) sepanjang 12,7 km adalah merupakan
jalan tol pertama yang dibangun di atas laut sehingga ada 5 fakta unik mengenai Jalan
Tol Bali Mandara diantaranya:
Fakta 1 —> 100% buatan
Kenapa? Karena Konstruksi jalan
tol ini dibuat oleh konsorsium BUMN dan BUMD Bali. Tak hanya itu, jalan tol
sepanjang 12,7 km dan menghabiskan dana 2,4 trilyun ini juga dibiayai oleh
sindikasi bank BUMN dan Jasa Marga, tidak melibatkan APBN sama sekali. Juga,
material dan teknologi seluruhnya merupakan karya anak bangsa. Mantap bukan…
Fakta 2 —> Pembuatannya sangat
Jalan tol ini mulai dikonstruksi
sekitar bulan Maret 2012 dan selesai sekitar bulan Mei 2013. Terhitung cepat
untuk pengerjaan tol di atas laut tersebut. Tak banyak lahan yang harus
dibebaskan karena sebagian besar tol ini menggantung di atas laut. Hanya saja,
ada beberapa lahan mangrove yang tergerus pada masa konstruksi, meski demikian
sebanyak 16.000 pohon mangrove kembali ditanam setelah konstruksi selesai.
Fakta 3 —> Ternyata sebelumnya
bukan bernama Bali Mandara
Awalnya, jalan tol ini dikenal
dengan tol atas laut Bali. Orang pun ada yang menyebutnya jalan tol Nusa
Dua-Nugrah Rai-Benoa karena menghubungkan ketiga daerah tersebut. Gubernur Bali
Made Mangku Pastika mengusukan 2 nama untuk tol tersebut ke Presiden SBY. Dua
nama itu adalah Soekarno Hatta dan Bali Mandara.
Fakta 4 —> Ada jalur sepeda
Ini merupakan jalan di atas laut
pertama yang memiliki jalur khusus motor. Motor disediakan jalur khusus sebelah
kiri – kanan bahu jalan dan dikenakan tarif Rp 4.000 sekali masuk. Kecepatan
motor yang melaju di tol ini ditetapkan 25 km/jam – 40 km/jam.
Fakta 5 —> Dipasang CCTV dan
alat pemantau angin selama 24 jam
Karena dibangun di atas perairan,
tol ini riskan terhadap besarnya kecepatan angin. Oleh karena itu, dipasanglah
alat pengukur kecepatan angin di setiap gerbang tol (Nusa Dua, Ngurah Rai, dan
Benoa). Jika kecepatan angin mencapai 40 km atau lebih, jalan tol ditutup
sementara untuk menghindari resiko kecelakaan. Tak hanya itu, CCTV 24 jam siap
memantau pergerakan kendaraan jika sewaktu-waktu ada kendaraan yang mogok. Jasa
Marga pun menyediakan derek gratis.
Berdasarkan surat keputusan (SK)
Menteri Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat Nomor 507/KPTS/M/2015.
- Golongan I = Rp11 ribu – seperti kendaraan sedan, jip, pick up, truk kecil dan bus
- Golongan II = Rp16.500 – seperti truk dengan dua gandar
- Golongan III = Rp22 ribu – seperti Truk dengan tiga gandar
- Golongan IV = Rp27.500 – seperti truk dengan empat gandar
- Golongan V = Rp33 ribu – seperti truk dengan lima gandar
- Golongan VI = Rp4.500 – yakni kendaraan bermotor roda dua atau sepeda motor
Untuk sistem pembayarannya ada 2
macam yaitu:
- Kartu e-tol Bank Mandiri
S A L A M M A H A K A R Y A !!!
Bali, the land of the gods. Mainstay tourist magnet that is worldwide. Famous for its natural beauty and the strong tradition of unwavering era. Not surprisingly, hundreds or even thousands of domestic and foreign tourists every day exploring the corners of the island of Bali. Finally, Bali especially roads in South Bali jammed.
Bali Mandara Toll Road is the name of the first toll road in Bali or even as a first floating toll roads in Indonesia. Stretching along the 12.7 km above the sea, the highway is somewhat unique compared to the existing toll roads in Indonesia because the only existing toll bike lane on the left and right side of the road. Long toll road in Bali is almost the same as the Penang Bridge in Malaysia whose length reaches 13.5 km or 12.9 km Bridgesepanjang Union in Canada.
To break the bottleneck in South Bali is not an easy matter. Many things become obstacles. The availability of land on the mainland so limited. Sometimes also build infrastructure should take into account local knowledge must be maintained. Thus, the government in this case the Ministry of Public Works (PU), the Ministry of SOEs and the Provincial Government of Bali and the Badung regency has made great breakthroughs and remarkable. Build a masterpiece motorway underpass and over the sea.
Dewa Ruci Underpass
One of the worst congestion points in Bali is in Simpang Dewa Ruci. Dewa Ruci called because in the middle of this intersection Dewa Ruci statue stood firm. At this point it is often the case buildup vehicles out into the attractions of Kuta beach. To overcome the impasse, the government of Bali to build underpass connecting lines from Ngurah Rai Airport to the Sunset Road, and vice versa. Each made up of two lines.
Dewa Ruci Underpass who swallow a budget of Rp. 148.3 billion is actually functioning optimally. Complexity and congestion that usually occurs is not seen again. As I passed through this underpass towards Sunset Road, motorcycles and cars seem so comfortable pitch in this region. Remarkably, the designers of this Underpass really is keeping the values of the Balinese traditions and beliefs. Dewa Ruci statue remains in situ. Not shifted at all in spite of the surrounding highway engineering held fairly complicated.
Triangle Connection
Out of the Dewa Ruci Underpass, toll road is actually more accurately described as a bridge over the sea. The length of 12.7 kilometers. There are approximately 10 kilometers above the sea. This is the first toll on the sea in Indonesia. As well as a masterpiece of the nation that is extraordinary and a milestone in the development of road infrastructure in Indonesia. That said, the construction of which is similar to Bali toll road can be found in Malaysia (Penang Bridge length of 12.9 Km) and in Canada (Union Bridge length of 13.5 Km). Another plus, Toll Bali also provides special lines motorcyclists.
Bali toll road, built to connect the Golden Triangle (Triangle Connection) Bali. Namely the Ngurah Rai Airport, the Port of Benoa and Nusa Dua tourist area. During this time the path to Nusa Dua tumplek tin at By Pass I Gusti Ngurah Rai. As a result the road was overload. Thus, congestion occurs everywhere. The solution, if the golden triangle that connects the flow of tourists from Ngurah Rai Bali towards the corners will go more smoothly. Distribution and mobility activities of incoming and outgoing goods in the port of Benoa Bali is also more dynamic. Once expected to increase competitiveness and economic growth in the surrounding community. Similarly, the Nusa Dua tourist area will be more comfortable as a tourist destination in South Bali. Once the ideal place to menghelat tourism activities and the activities of government, national and international.
Green, Strong & Beautiful
Shortly after entering the Bali toll road, I see that this mega project is truly exceptional. It boasts as untrustworthy and if the design and construction of this highway 100 percent is the work of the nation's best sons. This proves that in the field of construction of roads and bridges over the sea, Indonesia is very good.
Bali toll road, built by a consortium of 7 SOEs under coordination PT Jasa Marga Bali Toll. The concept that carried the Green, Strong & Beautiful. Green concept, at least the existence of Bali toll road is expected to remain environmentally friendly. So no less than 16 thousand seedlings of mangroves have been replanted around the motorway. Hopefully, one day on either side of the motorway will appear green Royo-Royo. Strong, quality of work to be under-united. The materials used must be tested and durable age. Beautiful, Bali toll road construction in addition to a great icon should also appear as an icon of tourism in the beautiful eyes of the world.
For the sake of quality, Bali toll road involving a reliable contractor in the country. To expedite the process, the Bali toll road construction package divided by 4 packets. Adi Karya do I. package Waskita work package II and IV. Hutama gets III package. Each package work done in parallel and simultaneously. In total about 2.5 trillion absorb funds. Each contractor surveying, planning and technical design and build their own in accordance with the contract Design and Built. No fewer than 3000 workers involved in this mega! And to maintain the quality (strong), contractor overseen by the Quality Assurance Consultant who always supervise and audit the results of the work and perform tests related to the results of the technical work.
Given the toll road is built on the sea, so many things that have to be considered. Especially the quality of piles, delivery of materials, the depth of the sea and weather disturbances. Nature highly corrosive sea water is considered by the builders of this highway because it will greatly affect the approximately 14 thousand piles which will be embedded into the ground in the sea. Pile length average of 12 meters. While the sea depth varies between 5-30 meters. Then to the deep part, pancangnya pole must be connected. Steel parts used connection. This connection is then welded to blend. To prevent corrosion, connection-specific anti-rust coated materials namely: Paste Petro, Petro Tape and HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) a petroleum polymer that is anti-rust.
In addition to green conceptualized and strong, artistic elements and the beauty of the Balinese should arise in the construction of this highway. Building Bali must berunsur Head, Body and Feet (such as the construction of a temple building). Thus, the architects Bali was engaged to design the Toll Gate Bali. The result is a very exotic toll gate. Modern but still nuanced Bali. To support the operation is also equipped with electronic payment, CCTV as well as measuring wind speed. This is very useful especially for the safety of motorcyclists. If the wind is too strong, then the track motorcycle was closed temporarily. Indeed, Bali toll road is very different to other toll in Indonesia.
Bali Governor Made Mangku Pastika Bali Mandara assess the toll road toll beautiful in the world. According to him, the first toll road in Bali could be a tourist destination Bali. Since the beginning, Pastika said the highway above the waters (JDP) Bali was built with the concept of strong, green and beautiful. "It's become a new tourist attraction even become one of the new icon of tourism in southern Bali," said Pastika, in his speech in the opening of the toll Bali Mandara, at the entrance to the toll Nusa Dua, Bali, on Monday (23/09/2013).
According to Pastika, around the groove toll Bali Mandara has grown by 16 thousand mangrove trees to be treated to grow up by developers. The construction of a 12.7 kilometer toll road and the first on the island of Bali, Pastika said, not mengganngu ecosystem, do not interfere with the activities of fishermen, and flying over it.
"From the toll roads could also see the sunset, the green mangroves, air traffic overhead, and the fishing activities that glitters in the evening," said Pastika. (DWS) - beritabali.
Bali Mandara
After working for 14 months, day and night finally Bali toll road was completed. Before the inauguration, the Bali toll road construction work which is the fastest, strongest and most beautiful ever made by the best sons of this nation must be given tetenger. Appear many names for Bali toll road. There is a name I Wayan Lotring (professor of dance and percussion Bali), I Gusti Ngurah Rai, I Gusti Patih Jelantik, I Gusti Nyoman Lempad (Bali famous painter of the 20th century) even Soekarno-Hatta. But finally, one name that is Bali Mandara (Advanced, Safe, Peaceful and Prosperous) be an option. So, Monday, September 23, 2013, Toll Nusa Dua, Benoa Ngurah Rai and was unveiled.
That afternoon, after passing briefly in Bali toll road, I feel that a great work already accomplished by the best sons of the nation. In particular I've heard chatter Dahlan Iskan, Minister of SOE's agile and journalism experts. "Bali Mandara project can run smoothly because the project was not only discussed in seminars and meetings. But the action and support of all stakeholders the one (especially the Ministry of Public Works and the Ministry of SOEs) which makes this mega project can be completed. Including the strategic role of government and regional leaders are enthusiastic that the work can be carried out and be resolved ". Welcome to the best sons of the nation that has been able to lift the identity and competence of this nation in the eyes of the world. "The dream of our nation to master the technology primarily in the engineering construction and highway construction over the sea has finally come true"
Toll Bali Mandara (Nusa Dua-Benoa-Ngurah Rai) along the 12.7 km is the first toll road built on the sea so that there are 5 unique facts about Bali Mandara Toll Road include:
Fact 1 -> 100% made in Indonesia
Why? Because the construction of toll roads is made by a consortium of state-owned enterprises and enterprises Bali. Not only that, the highway along the 12.7 km and spent 2.4 trillion, is also financed by a syndicate of state banks and Jasa Marga, do not involve the state budget at all. Also, material and technology entirely is the nation's children. Steady is not ...
Fact 2 -> Pembuatannya very short
This toll road began to be constructed around March 2012 and was completed around May 2013. As of fast motorway construction over the sea. Not much land should be freed because most of the toll is hanging over the sea. However, there are some mangrove land were eroded during construction, however 16,000 mangrove trees re-planted after construction is completed.
Fact 3 -> Turns previously not named Bali Mandara
Initially, the highway is known as the Bali toll over the sea. Single person there who call the toll roads Nusa Dua-Benoa-Nugrah Rai because it connects three regions. Bali Governor Made Mangku Pastika mengusukan 2 names for the toll road to the President. Two names that are Soekarno Hatta and Bali Mandara.
Fact 4 -> There is a bike lane
This is the first road on the sea that has a special line motors. Motor supplied special line to the left - right shoulder of the road and charged Rp 4,000 once entered. Speed motor that drove this highway is set 25 km / h - 40 km / h.
Fact 5 -> Installed CCTV and monitoring tool winds for 24 hours
Because it is built on the waters, the toll is risky to the magnitude of the wind speed. Therefore, dipasanglah gauges wind speed at each toll gate (Nusa Dua, Ngurah Rai, and Benoa). If the wind speed reaches 40 km or more, the highway is closed temporarily to avoid the risk of accidents. Not only that, CCTV 24 hours ready to monitor the movement of vehicles at any time if there is a vehicle that broke down. Jasa Marga also provides a free tow.
According to a decree (SK) Minister of Public Works and Public Housing No. 507 / KPTS / M / 2015.
For payment system there are two kinds:
Bali, the land of the gods. Mainstay tourist magnet that is worldwide. Famous for its natural beauty and the strong tradition of unwavering era. Not surprisingly, hundreds or even thousands of domestic and foreign tourists every day exploring the corners of the island of Bali. Finally, Bali especially roads in South Bali jammed.
Bali Mandara Toll Road is the name of the first toll road in Bali or even as a first floating toll roads in Indonesia. Stretching along the 12.7 km above the sea, the highway is somewhat unique compared to the existing toll roads in Indonesia because the only existing toll bike lane on the left and right side of the road. Long toll road in Bali is almost the same as the Penang Bridge in Malaysia whose length reaches 13.5 km or 12.9 km Bridgesepanjang Union in Canada.
To break the bottleneck in South Bali is not an easy matter. Many things become obstacles. The availability of land on the mainland so limited. Sometimes also build infrastructure should take into account local knowledge must be maintained. Thus, the government in this case the Ministry of Public Works (PU), the Ministry of SOEs and the Provincial Government of Bali and the Badung regency has made great breakthroughs and remarkable. Build a masterpiece motorway underpass and over the sea.
Dewa Ruci Underpass
One of the worst congestion points in Bali is in Simpang Dewa Ruci. Dewa Ruci called because in the middle of this intersection Dewa Ruci statue stood firm. At this point it is often the case buildup vehicles out into the attractions of Kuta beach. To overcome the impasse, the government of Bali to build underpass connecting lines from Ngurah Rai Airport to the Sunset Road, and vice versa. Each made up of two lines.
Dewa Ruci Underpass who swallow a budget of Rp. 148.3 billion is actually functioning optimally. Complexity and congestion that usually occurs is not seen again. As I passed through this underpass towards Sunset Road, motorcycles and cars seem so comfortable pitch in this region. Remarkably, the designers of this Underpass really is keeping the values of the Balinese traditions and beliefs. Dewa Ruci statue remains in situ. Not shifted at all in spite of the surrounding highway engineering held fairly complicated.
Triangle Connection
Out of the Dewa Ruci Underpass, toll road is actually more accurately described as a bridge over the sea. The length of 12.7 kilometers. There are approximately 10 kilometers above the sea. This is the first toll on the sea in Indonesia. As well as a masterpiece of the nation that is extraordinary and a milestone in the development of road infrastructure in Indonesia. That said, the construction of which is similar to Bali toll road can be found in Malaysia (Penang Bridge length of 12.9 Km) and in Canada (Union Bridge length of 13.5 Km). Another plus, Toll Bali also provides special lines motorcyclists.
Bali toll road, built to connect the Golden Triangle (Triangle Connection) Bali. Namely the Ngurah Rai Airport, the Port of Benoa and Nusa Dua tourist area. During this time the path to Nusa Dua tumplek tin at By Pass I Gusti Ngurah Rai. As a result the road was overload. Thus, congestion occurs everywhere. The solution, if the golden triangle that connects the flow of tourists from Ngurah Rai Bali towards the corners will go more smoothly. Distribution and mobility activities of incoming and outgoing goods in the port of Benoa Bali is also more dynamic. Once expected to increase competitiveness and economic growth in the surrounding community. Similarly, the Nusa Dua tourist area will be more comfortable as a tourist destination in South Bali. Once the ideal place to menghelat tourism activities and the activities of government, national and international.
Green, Strong & Beautiful
Shortly after entering the Bali toll road, I see that this mega project is truly exceptional. It boasts as untrustworthy and if the design and construction of this highway 100 percent is the work of the nation's best sons. This proves that in the field of construction of roads and bridges over the sea, Indonesia is very good.
Bali toll road, built by a consortium of 7 SOEs under coordination PT Jasa Marga Bali Toll. The concept that carried the Green, Strong & Beautiful. Green concept, at least the existence of Bali toll road is expected to remain environmentally friendly. So no less than 16 thousand seedlings of mangroves have been replanted around the motorway. Hopefully, one day on either side of the motorway will appear green Royo-Royo. Strong, quality of work to be under-united. The materials used must be tested and durable age. Beautiful, Bali toll road construction in addition to a great icon should also appear as an icon of tourism in the beautiful eyes of the world.
For the sake of quality, Bali toll road involving a reliable contractor in the country. To expedite the process, the Bali toll road construction package divided by 4 packets. Adi Karya do I. package Waskita work package II and IV. Hutama gets III package. Each package work done in parallel and simultaneously. In total about 2.5 trillion absorb funds. Each contractor surveying, planning and technical design and build their own in accordance with the contract Design and Built. No fewer than 3000 workers involved in this mega! And to maintain the quality (strong), contractor overseen by the Quality Assurance Consultant who always supervise and audit the results of the work and perform tests related to the results of the technical work.
Given the toll road is built on the sea, so many things that have to be considered. Especially the quality of piles, delivery of materials, the depth of the sea and weather disturbances. Nature highly corrosive sea water is considered by the builders of this highway because it will greatly affect the approximately 14 thousand piles which will be embedded into the ground in the sea. Pile length average of 12 meters. While the sea depth varies between 5-30 meters. Then to the deep part, pancangnya pole must be connected. Steel parts used connection. This connection is then welded to blend. To prevent corrosion, connection-specific anti-rust coated materials namely: Paste Petro, Petro Tape and HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) a petroleum polymer that is anti-rust.
In addition to green conceptualized and strong, artistic elements and the beauty of the Balinese should arise in the construction of this highway. Building Bali must berunsur Head, Body and Feet (such as the construction of a temple building). Thus, the architects Bali was engaged to design the Toll Gate Bali. The result is a very exotic toll gate. Modern but still nuanced Bali. To support the operation is also equipped with electronic payment, CCTV as well as measuring wind speed. This is very useful especially for the safety of motorcyclists. If the wind is too strong, then the track motorcycle was closed temporarily. Indeed, Bali toll road is very different to other toll in Indonesia.
Bali Governor Made Mangku Pastika Bali Mandara assess the toll road toll beautiful in the world. According to him, the first toll road in Bali could be a tourist destination Bali. Since the beginning, Pastika said the highway above the waters (JDP) Bali was built with the concept of strong, green and beautiful. "It's become a new tourist attraction even become one of the new icon of tourism in southern Bali," said Pastika, in his speech in the opening of the toll Bali Mandara, at the entrance to the toll Nusa Dua, Bali, on Monday (23/09/2013).
According to Pastika, around the groove toll Bali Mandara has grown by 16 thousand mangrove trees to be treated to grow up by developers. The construction of a 12.7 kilometer toll road and the first on the island of Bali, Pastika said, not mengganngu ecosystem, do not interfere with the activities of fishermen, and flying over it.
"From the toll roads could also see the sunset, the green mangroves, air traffic overhead, and the fishing activities that glitters in the evening," said Pastika. (DWS) - beritabali.
Bali Mandara
After working for 14 months, day and night finally Bali toll road was completed. Before the inauguration, the Bali toll road construction work which is the fastest, strongest and most beautiful ever made by the best sons of this nation must be given tetenger. Appear many names for Bali toll road. There is a name I Wayan Lotring (professor of dance and percussion Bali), I Gusti Ngurah Rai, I Gusti Patih Jelantik, I Gusti Nyoman Lempad (Bali famous painter of the 20th century) even Soekarno-Hatta. But finally, one name that is Bali Mandara (Advanced, Safe, Peaceful and Prosperous) be an option. So, Monday, September 23, 2013, Toll Nusa Dua, Benoa Ngurah Rai and was unveiled.
That afternoon, after passing briefly in Bali toll road, I feel that a great work already accomplished by the best sons of the nation. In particular I've heard chatter Dahlan Iskan, Minister of SOE's agile and journalism experts. "Bali Mandara project can run smoothly because the project was not only discussed in seminars and meetings. But the action and support of all stakeholders the one (especially the Ministry of Public Works and the Ministry of SOEs) which makes this mega project can be completed. Including the strategic role of government and regional leaders are enthusiastic that the work can be carried out and be resolved ". Welcome to the best sons of the nation that has been able to lift the identity and competence of this nation in the eyes of the world. "The dream of our nation to master the technology primarily in the engineering construction and highway construction over the sea has finally come true"
Toll Bali Mandara (Nusa Dua-Benoa-Ngurah Rai) along the 12.7 km is the first toll road built on the sea so that there are 5 unique facts about Bali Mandara Toll Road include:
Fact 1 -> 100% made in Indonesia
Why? Because the construction of toll roads is made by a consortium of state-owned enterprises and enterprises Bali. Not only that, the highway along the 12.7 km and spent 2.4 trillion, is also financed by a syndicate of state banks and Jasa Marga, do not involve the state budget at all. Also, material and technology entirely is the nation's children. Steady is not ...
Fact 2 -> Pembuatannya very short
This toll road began to be constructed around March 2012 and was completed around May 2013. As of fast motorway construction over the sea. Not much land should be freed because most of the toll is hanging over the sea. However, there are some mangrove land were eroded during construction, however 16,000 mangrove trees re-planted after construction is completed.
Fact 3 -> Turns previously not named Bali Mandara
Initially, the highway is known as the Bali toll over the sea. Single person there who call the toll roads Nusa Dua-Benoa-Nugrah Rai because it connects three regions. Bali Governor Made Mangku Pastika mengusukan 2 names for the toll road to the President. Two names that are Soekarno Hatta and Bali Mandara.
Fact 4 -> There is a bike lane
This is the first road on the sea that has a special line motors. Motor supplied special line to the left - right shoulder of the road and charged Rp 4,000 once entered. Speed motor that drove this highway is set 25 km / h - 40 km / h.
Fact 5 -> Installed CCTV and monitoring tool winds for 24 hours
Because it is built on the waters, the toll is risky to the magnitude of the wind speed. Therefore, dipasanglah gauges wind speed at each toll gate (Nusa Dua, Ngurah Rai, and Benoa). If the wind speed reaches 40 km or more, the highway is closed temporarily to avoid the risk of accidents. Not only that, CCTV 24 hours ready to monitor the movement of vehicles at any time if there is a vehicle that broke down. Jasa Marga also provides a free tow.
According to a decree (SK) Minister of Public Works and Public Housing No. 507 / KPTS / M / 2015.
- Group I = Rp11 thousand - such as passenger cars, jeeps, pick-ups, small trucks and buses
- Group II = Rp16.500 - such as trucks with two axles
- Class III = Rp22 thousand - such as trucks with three axles
- Group IV = Rp27.500 - such as trucks with four axles
- Class V = Rp33 thousand - such as the five-axle truck
- Class VI = Rp4.500 - the two-wheeled motor vehicle or motorcycle
For payment system there are two kinds:
- Cash Systems
- E-Toll Card Bank Mandiri
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